Cheesecloth ghosts are a fun and spooky DIY craft project perfect for Halloween. Using simple materials like cheesecloth, glue, and a little creativity, you can create eerie, floating specters that will add an extra touch of fright to your home decor. Whether you’re decorating for a Halloween party or looking for a unique DIY activity, these cheesecloth ghosts are sure to impress.
Is it REALLY January? I’m still trying to figure out what happened to November? It’s Debbie here with Made From Pinterest and don’t kill me folks, but I’m sharing these Cheesecloth Ghosts with you today!
Okay, okay I know that it is barely January but I can’t help but get excited when my second favorite holiday of all time is drawing near. I love, love, love Halloween. And for years I have made these stand-up ghost decorations but I have always made them in white. Well….this year I took things up a notch and decided to liven them up a little bit with some color and I love them!
Cheesecloth Ghosts

What you will need to make these are:
Cheesecloth Sugar Water spray Paint, your choice of Colors glass bottles with long necksBlack feltFoilDecide on the size of your bottles and then take your foil and make a ball for the head. Once you have made your ball, wrap it in a square piece of foil and crimp the bottom into a “stem”.

Insert the “head” into your bottle.

Next, take your foil and make a long “snake” for your arms. I think I made mine about 20 inches long. Crimp it together and wrap it around the neck of your bottle. Bend the arms to where you want them. I like mine not exactly level but with one arm higher than the other. Don’t ask me why.

Okay, so now you want to cut your cheesecloth to be long enough to cover both sides of your side with some extra leftover to drape at the bottom which forms your stand. I can’t really give the length since every bottle will be different so I just eyeball it.
Then you want to take 1/2 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Let it cool and when it is okay to touch, douse your cheesecloth into the sugar water. Squeeze out the excess but not to a super, duper dry because you want some sugar to stay on the cheesecloth to harden. This is what helps keep the ghost shape.
After squeezing, place your bottle on a piece of foil or wax paper and drape the cheesecloth over the ghost frame.
Layer the extra at the bottom thickly so that it will create a nice base. Also, make sure you press down around the shoulder area so that your cheesecloth doesn’t go straight from the head to the arm. You want a nice shoulder area.
Let dry overnight. When it is completely dry, spray paint with your choice of color. The biggest thing that you need to do when spray painting these is to look at your ghost from every possible angle so that you can get spray paint into the folds with no white showing. I sprayed the bottoms and up from the bottom into the inside. Cut some eyes and mouths from the black felt and glue onto the ghost face. Voila! Don’t you just love these colors?
I already have these guys gracing my family room coffee table.
Incorporating cheesecloth ghosts into your Halloween decorations is a simple yet effective way to enhance your spooky atmosphere. With minimal materials and effort, you can create an eerie display that will captivate guests and trick-or-treaters alike. Let us know in the comments how your cheesecloth ghosts turned out and share your creative variations!
Frequently Asked Questions
What materials do I need to make cheesecloth ghosts?
To make cheesecloth ghosts, you’ll need cheesecloth, a stiffening solution like liquid starch or fabric stiffener, a ghost frame (like a balloon or wire), and a base for support.
How do I make cheesecloth ghosts float?
To create floating cheesecloth ghosts, drape the cheesecloth over a frame and use a stiffening solution to give it structure. Once dry, carefully remove the frame to reveal a free-standing, ghostly figure.
How long do cheesecloth ghosts last?
Cheesecloth ghosts can last for several seasons if stored properly, as long as they are kept dry and free from damage.